B Conjugate and Hepatitis B Vaccine

Name: B Conjugate and Hepatitis B Vaccine

Renal Dose Adjustments

No adjustment recommended.


This vaccine is not indicated or recommended for use in adults. Do not administer to infants under 6 weeks of age.

Do not inject IV, ID, or subcutaneously.

Infants born of HBsAg positive mothers should receive hepatitis B immune globulin and hepatitis B vaccine at birth and should complete the hepatitis B vaccination series given according to a particular schedule.

Infants born of mothers of unknown HBsAg status should receive hepatitis B vaccine at birth and should complete the hepatitis B vaccination series given according to a particular schedule.

The subsequent administration of Haemophilus B / hepatitis B vaccine for completion of the hepatitis B vaccination series in infants who were born to HBsAg positive mothers and received HBIG or infants born to mothers of unknown status has not been studied.

Other Comments

Common adverse reactions and all serious reactions that occur during administration should be reported to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Reporting forms and information regarding the completion of the form can be obtained at 1-800-822-7967.
