Allergenic Extract, Nigrospora Sphaerica

Name: Allergenic Extract, Nigrospora Sphaerica

Allergenic Extract, Nigrospora Sphaerica - Clinical Pharmacology

The pharmacological action of allergenic extracts used diagnostically is based on the liberation of histamine and other substances when the allergen reacts with IgE antibodies attached to the mast cells. When allergenic extracts are used for immunotherapy, the effect is an increase in immunoglobulin G (IgG) and an increased T suppresser lymphocyte which interferes with the allergic response.(2) With repeated administration of allergenic extracts changes develop in regards to IgG and IgE production and mediator-releasing cells. The histamine release response is reduced in some patients.


Allergenic extracts should not be used if the patient has asthma, cardiovascular disease, emphysema, diabetes, bleeding diathesis or pregnancy, unless a specific diagnosis of type 1 allergic disease is made based on skin testing and the benefits of treatment outweigh the risks of an adverse reaction during testing or treatment. Allergenic extracts are not indicated for use in patients who are not clinically allergic or who are not skin reactive to an allergen. Allergenic extracts should be discontinued or the concentration of potency substantially reduced in patients who experience unacceptable adverse reactions.
