Allergenic Extract, Cat Pelt
Name: Allergenic Extract, Cat Pelt
There are no known absolute contraindications to immunotherapy. See PRECAUTIONS for pregnancy risks.
Patients with cardiovascular diseases or pulmonary diseases such as symptomatic asthma, and/or those who are receiving cardiovascular drugs such as beta blockers, may be at higher risk for severe adverse reactions. These patients may also be more refractory to the normal allergy treatment regimen. Patients should be treated only if the benefit of treatment outweighs the risks. 1
Any injections, including immunotherapy, should be avoided in patients with a bleeding tendency. Since there are differences of opinion concerning the possibility of routine immunizations exacerbating autoimmune diseases, immunotherapy should be given cautiously to patients with autoimmune diseases and only if the risk from exposure is greater than the risk of exacerbating the autoimmune process.